It was fine until.....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
So far so good.....
Arrrghhhh!!!!! Why is this happening to me.....!!!!!
THEN..............this happenes.......!!!!!!!
I dont know what happened.... they just broke.... boooo hoooohoooooo!!!! This cannot be happening to me....
I dont have any other 2.75mm DPN ... so i tried to continue to knit with a broken needle... it was akward.... and after a few rows... i gave up... i had already ordered a new set of Brittany needles ... I just guess i have to wait for them to arrive before i can do anything.....
As i fiddle with the half completed sock.... i saw some holes.... did i do something wrong? of was it just the stitches not being tight (as a result of me trying to knit with a broken needle)? Should i frog this bit and re-knit.... ??